II.International Symposium on Wisdom Tradition from Turkestan to Anatolia: Abdal Ata
Writing Rules of Abstract
Writing Rules of Abstract
Papers could be written single-authored or co-authored.
Abstracts and full papers will be evaluated by at least 2 reviewers
through “blind review.”
The language of the symposium is Turkish and English. The
title of the abstract to be written in both languages should also be included.
The abstract should be written in Times New Roman font and
Microsoft Word.
Abstract title should be written in 14 pt, capital letters,
bold and centered. In Word program and according to A4 paper size, 2.5 cm space
should be left from the bottom, top, right, and left, and 1.25 cm space should
be left for the footer and header.
The title, name, surname, institution, and e-mail address of
the author should be written centrally under the Abstract Title.
The abstract should be at least 250 and at most 300 words. Times
New Roman font and 11 pt font size should be used. Indentation: 0 cm, spacing: 6 pt before and 6
pt after, and line spacing should be single.
Keywords should be written as a minimum 3 and a maximum 5
words in Turkish and English under the abstract.
Abstracts that don't follow the guidelines for the symposium format won't be accepted.